Be the Good Writer everyone wanted.

Table of Contents

3 Key Steps to Follow to be Better on Medium.

Most beginners quit writing on medium after they spend some time because they do not get any views or reads as they expected.

There could be many reasons for not getting the views as expected. One of the reasons is the wrong way of publishing a story.

For the simplicity of telling, Let’s assume you are such a beginner and struggling with that problem.

But keep in mind you are better than most of them since you are trying to find a solution. And here is a solution from my experience on

Not Quiting! and Elevating Views.

I don’t know if this is the best place to ask, but I am really putting my soul into these lines and I want to gain as many subscribers as I can.❤️️

So if you like the story, please Subscribe (green box)❤️️ It would really motivate me to move further. Thanks!

1) Use Tags Properly.

Proper use of Tags.

Most beginners underestimate the power of the Medium Tags (or Topics as they say). So, maybe you too.

Look at the picture very well. What can you see on it?

Each tag has its own base of followers associated with it. A higher number means it has a greater engagement and a large number of stories associated with it.

Use all the Five Tags:

Medium gives you the chance to add up to 5 unique topics in a single story. They are free, so why not use all of them?

If you use them on your stories, it will guarantee a considerable improvement in your read count.

But, be smart about what tag you are going to choose. There are many options to choose from. (Don’t use “Programming” on a Life lesson story 🥴).

With more engagement flowing to your stories, Your Readers’ Interests panel will be unlocked. And Boom! now you can add or remove topics according to this to gain even further reads.

Readers interest: My best performance article yet

However, relying solely on the most popular tags won’t lead you anywhere.

2) Find the Correct Time.

Have you ever thought how important is the time? How much it can affect your read count?

Probably not!

This is a whole world. The time zones are different for us. At this exact time, I’m writing this story, you could be snorting for hours 😴, or maybe someone is cooking their breakfast.

So, it is obvious that reading times are different around the world. We must choose the appropriate time to publish our masterpiece.

Below you can see the image of countries that show an interest in a certain topic. Hence, we should choose the best time, so that most of our targeted audience are

awake and ready to read.

Taken from Google Trends.

The process of finding the right time is very easy, but explaining it takes quite a time, so you can read my story that I have explained in detail. (Move to the middle of the article to read about the time)

3) Think! and Think again about the Topic.

Ah! Finally, the topic everyone is talking about. Finding the greatest Topic. Since everyone keeps talking about this,

Let’s take a different approach.

I absolutely agree that you need an interesting topic to write on. Otherwise who reads it? right?

So, Let’s break this into two phases. The Phase of Uncertainty and the Phase of Observation.

Both paths are equally important.

The Phase of Uncertainty.

This happens when you are totally a noob to this. You have no idea even what to write, and you are eager to find a way to find a great topic.

The best approach to overcome this phase is to use Google Trends or Google Ads.

Simply go through my following article (Yup it’s the same article 😅) that I have clearly explained every bit of knowledge that I possess.

By referring to that you will step up from the phase of uncertainty to the next level.

2. The Phase of Observation.

Now you have some idea of what to write and have implemented on your stories too. You are getting some more views than before.

And now you need some further improvement.

It’s time for Observation.

In this phase, it’s not only about writing something and publishing it. You have to find what’s going on, and what is in the best interests of the majority.

Take some time every single day to browse through the archives of Medium, Popular writers, and Pubs to get an idea, and ask this question from you.

If I write what, I will get the most out of it?

And then start collecting resources, make a mind map, and then start writing. You will be amazed at what you have done in the end.

That’s it guys. We have gone through a lot. Take some time to read the most important points I have told you.

Highlight the important points, so you will not miss one.

Don’t give up, Don’t quit. I did it, so you can too.

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Written By
Picture of Dumindu Patabandi
Dumindu Patabandi
Professional Writer

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